Utmost Energy
My first conversation with an energy broker occurred—over ping pong—at an NYC Tech Start-Up Expo. Once I learned my opponent's occupation, I began to pummel him with questions regarding renewable energy and why there wasn't more of it in the grid. Shortly thereafter, I was hired to rename and rebrand his company—the energy brokerage firm formerly known as Energx. For six weeks, I immersed myself in this industry—a cacophonous, deregulated marketplace—to better understand how I might distinguish his company's personality and voice. The corporate identity transformation included: research and renaming, strategy and content planning, copy writing, logo design, web site design and production, WordPress theme selection and customization, web site launch, troubleshooting, custom illustration as well as design of supporting identity materials. Special thanks to Jared Pereira for his madskillz programming in a pinch! |
<web site> design and content visual headlines created for the home page gallery studies exploring circuitry, infrastructure and electrical charge through pattern |